author Иван Николов

Иван Николов

The article

  • Causes of pain in the finger joints. The possibility of the disease, its symptoms and treatment options.
    1 August 2021
  • Arthritis and arthrosis are often confused because of the similarity of their names. Yes, and both diseases affect the joints (for example, there is arthritis and arthrosis of the knee joint). The affected joints become inflamed, swollen and sore. Otherwise, this is a completely different disease.
    8 May 2021
  • Osteocondrose back, it is a chronic disease, it is different, interspersed with periods of exacerbation and remission. Osteocondrose continues to develop and the types of treatment in the best-case scenario, it simply does not lead to a significant improvement. To fully cure this disease, it is not possible.
    3 March 2020